Kaiser Fototechnik Enlarging Lenses

Rodenstock Enlarging Lenses  Rogonar-S, Rodagon, Apo-Rodagon N, Rodagon-WA 

Code no: 4327

Rogonar-S: Almost unlimited application in B&W enlarging, in color up to enlarging scales of approx. 10:1.

Rodagon: Almost unlimited application for all B&W and color anlarging.

Apo-Rodagon N: For highest standads. Brilliant color reproduction with apochromatic correction.

Rodagon-WA: Wide-angle lens for highest performance. For achieving large enlarging scales at normal distance to base board.

With click-stop disengaging, aperture presetting, illuminated aperture scale and filter thread 40.5 mm.

All enlarging lenses with M 39 x 1 mounting thread.

(Example images)

Code no

Lens speed

Focal length Elements max. film format
4363 Rodagon-WA


40 mm 6 24 x 36 mm
4365 Rogonar-S


40 mm 4 24 x 36 mm
4367 Rodagon


50 mm 6 24 x 36 mm
4469 Apo-Rodagon N


50 mm 6 24 x 36 mm
4328 Rodagon-WA


60 mm 6 6 x 6 cm
4341 Rodagon


80 mm 6 6 x 7 cm
4340 Apo-Rodagon N


80 mm 7 6 x 7 cm
4357 Rogonar-S 4.5 90 mm 4 6 x 7 cm
4327 Rodagon


105 mm 6 6 x 9 cm
4329 Apo-Rodagon


105 mm 7 6 x 9 cm
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